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On 04/12/13 17:06, bad apple wrote:
On 04/12/13 09:40, Philip Hudson wrote:
What's it for? What do I lose or risk losing if I turn it off? The
intertubes make it sound very clever but don't offer any examples I even
recognize let alone need or use.

As the others have correctly pointed out, in principle it's a good idea
but in reality it's a horrid, useless pile of rubbish and a gigantic
security risk to boot.

Kill it with fire at the router - most home routers ship with it on by
default along with other stupidity like WPS. It's not actually possible
to turn it off on a lot of consumer goods, like smart TVs, set-top
boxes, etc but this varies wildly: it just depends on the firmware.

On Windows kill it by disabling the following two services:

Universal Plug and Play Device Host
SSDP Discovery Service

In that order. If you just disable the first, the second will kindly
turn it back on for you!

Not that I'm accusing Phil of having Windows PCs on his network (I kind
of doubt that) but just for completeness.


Checked our D-Link router and it was disabled, presumably by default. :-)

Thanks for the info.
Roly :-)

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