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Re: [LUG] Mint 13 & 14 and Picasa .. problems yet again


On 8.07.2013 20:31, bad apple wrote:
On 08/07/13 18:05, Simon Robert -Cottage wrote:
it's mint KDE that freezes. Cinamon is fine, so is kubuntu. Picasa in
linux, well the page you direct to doesn't mention it. A google on
Picasa for linux gets me to pages for various distros with
instructions for installing it, all of which point to google Picasa
for linux pages and all go to 404.

I direct you to this


which says, a. it's discontinued, b. the linux version always came
with a native wine installer. And a quick "find" for picasa* sees bits
of it living in directories sub to ..../wine...

And yes probably would swap the audi for a beamer if the beamer had a
really nice cup holder and I would have to nail the BMW dashboard onto
the audi's dashboard to use it. I dislike having to install nearly all
of KDE/gnome to run a single app, I know what a DE is ta, and anyway I
like KDE.

Yup the R519 gets warm and is not temperature tolerant. It was 32%
degrees here the other day and it kept cutting out, despite being on a
hard surface. Was OK after I raised it with a couple of books though.
Watching movies in bed with the lappy on the duvet, you got about 8
minutes before it quits.


Whoops, you are absolutely right about that - my apologies. I personally
don't use anything related to Google, but even so, I'm not quite sure
how I didn't notice that they completely pulled Linux support. Over a
year ago at that... *facepalm*

But yeah, it was never a native build as you say, always just a crappy
wrapper around the windows binary and some bundled wine stuff. All in
all, considering how much Google suck, Picasa was never that good in the
first place and it's now officially completely dropped, it's probably
best to just completely nuke it from any linux system that may still be
running it and move on. Although it wasn't you that mentioned it in the
first place if I remember rightly. Winetricks doesn't even offer Picasa
as an "easy install" option anymore either, which I'm sure it used to.

No idea if it works on Linux, and personally couldn't care less, but
there's always the Picasa Web Albums, which works in a web browser.

I find that spaffing a couple of hundred megs of disk space on
installing the default GTK/KDE libs for cross-DE support definitely
worth it: I think people rather too attached to one system or the other
tend to somewhat over-estimate the actual amount of space required. It's
really not that much overhead, even on the relatively space-limited
128Gb SSDs I use in most of my systems. But of course each to their own,
no problem there.

I'm a bit worried about your overheating report on your Samsung -
although the screen has also been dinged, the owner hasn't exactly been
careful with it so there's no chance it has ever had the vents/fans
cleaned out. This one here cut out after about 30 mins as well, and that
was sat flat on a solid workbench. Are these Samsung R*** models just
generally crap?

Sorry about leading you up the path regarding Picasa, I'll try and
actually check my "facts" next time I start mouthing off.


I've not read anything that implies these laptops are any worse than others. I've only had it shut down on a couple of occasions, soft surfaces and on a very still 31c afternoon. The fan looks like it might be a bit of a faff to get at though, not really checked - just blew hard into the vent and when nothing came out didn't investigate further. The design does seem to obscure the fan vent, its underneath and not really at the side, also sits very snug to the work surface.

So maybe compressed air will do it....


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