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Re: [LUG] [Exeter] irc meeting before next physical lug meet


cool,  thanks I have added the details to the exeter lug site wiki
events page.


On 27/01/13 20:56, Rick Timmis wrote:
> That's OK with me
> On 27 Jan 2013 20:47, "paul sutton" <zleap@xxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:zleap@xxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     Can I suggest we perhaps meet up on IRC before the Exeter lug
>     meeting :
>     next meeting, I am free on Tuesdays for a few weeks from about
>     7ish,  we
>     can chat and discuss issues before the actual physical meeting.
>     The irc
>     channel is here.  so there is no client to worry about setting up.
>     http://www.dcglug.org.uk/irc
>     The next physical meet is Fri, 8 February, 7:30 PM GMT so the Tuesday
>     before that is 7th Feb.
>     If people agree perhaps it can be added to the exeter lug site
>     events list.
>     In fact that is also the tuesday before the next dclug too,  so I have
>     sent this to the dclug list too.
>     Paul

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