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[LUG] DCLUG don't leave me..


Come the "festive season" I sort of go into a family induced coma and I've just caught up with the Web Site etc thread. What have you guys been on since I was last here? Will I turn on my computer and find my DCLUG folder, and thus my life, empty?

I'm in my 70's now and, I suspect, am not alone on this site. I started making my living in electronics in 1962 and my first computer was a 6 foot rack of valve units, each being a 4 bit register decoding IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) codes. (Yes, I was in the RAF). Electronics then bit you if you weren't careful. I ended up in IS managing the introduction of data warehousing (if you don't know don't ask. It's boring). And now I can do as I damned well please (if she who must be obeyed will let me).

And what I please is to avoid Microsoft and Apple at all costs and run Linux (which I insist on pronouncing Lie-nux. I can get by in French but I don't pronounce Paris as Parie when I speak English.) Most of my basic knowledge comes from Linux Format. I want the DCLUG at my back as a second line of defence. First line is Google. My third line is my small library of Linux books which I find almost useless, unless you already know the answer but have temporarily mislaid it. (Also known as senior moments, whatever your age). I do run Windows XP in virtual box because that is the only way I can run my scanner and I run Wine for Microgrfx Flowchart but everything else Microsoft I have found a way around.

I am not really interested in a web site for the LUG or the meetings, although I have been to a few in Paignton. But, my life would be diminished without the email posts.

I can no longer be bothered with electronic projects, (oh, Practical Wireless, where are you)(does anyone want some double sided PCB material? components? wire?) but I want the interaction with like minds as to how I manage my computing.

The list consists of working professionals, evangelists, gifted amateurs, Microsoft refugees, people who can't leave well alone and lurkers and I believe that the emails are the common cause. I have an ancient laptop, I have bought a tablet, I am poking a stick into the Facebook nest and I will move on but there are only so many hours in the day so for me the DCLUG posts are my rock. Don't screw it up, please.


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