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Re: [LUG] While we are astronmying


On 28/11/12 11:16, Keith Abraham wrote:
On 28/11/12 10:18, Roland Tarver wrote:
On 28/11/12 07:46, tom wrote:
I'm toying with the idea of getting a 12" reflector - I have noticed
a lot of difference in the databases on the controllers for scopes
and was wondering if anyone knows how easy it is to upgrade the DB's
etc on these things.
Also I imagine they can follow stars but how easy are they to program
to follow comets etc for the purposes of long exposure pictures.
and also ccd's  for one....
Tom te tom te tom

My Grandfather spent most of his adult life making the mirrors for
various telescopes. He would spend hours grinding and polishing them
by hand - which is kinda cool in my book. lol.

Unfortunately he was a little old school and never used ccd nor star
tracking technology. His biggest scope is still in use by the North
Devon Astronomy society, in the observatory which bears his name.


I could not find the group web site. Looks like their domain has expired.

AFAIK it's now at:



I guess i didnt try to hard to find it Keith! lol Thanks.
roly :-)

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