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[LUG] Python Question


Hi all!

Just a brief one.  We've finally managed to convince the IT department in the 
Academy I work at to try Python.  Which is pretty cool in itself.

However, as they run Windows 7 and everything is locked down pretty tight, I'm 
wondering about the wisdom of the default install path.

I should mention they've opted for the community edition of ActivePython (why? No 
idea...) and have installed in the C:\Python2.7 directory.

They're intending for people to use Idle to develop.

Having briefly played with it and done the obligatory os.getcwd() Idle is running 
straight out of the Python directory.

Don't ask me why but it just rang some alarm bells.

Whilst I'm sure that the average student at my school has little desire or skill to 
run malicious scripts, it just seems a bit mental to allow these to be run directly 
on this path.

Am I just being paranoid?  What about a CLI argument such as:

idle.py -c "os.chdir('some-user-path')"

Added to the shortcut/launcher?

Any comments or suggestion welcomed. I'd like them to at least give python a good 
go, rather than give it up as too difficult to configure...

Write permissions to the c:\ drive are strictly controlled, I should add, and the 
userspace is in H:\

Thanks in advance.

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