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Re: [LUG] Exeter LUG Meeting



Wow that was a quick answer. Yes I have plenty of spare keyboards :)

I've not really done that much development recently...and SSH is probably out 
of question as I don't have a static IP. I prefer Kwrite or Notepad++ on Windows to develop..

On 1 July 2012 11:46, Grant Phillips-Sewell <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Sun, Jul 1, 2012 at 11:34 AM, George Reynolds
<george.reynolds@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Silly question but can you develop Android on your tablet - I have an Acer
> A500.
> I don't have a laptop with Linux only a Windows one and a Linux desktop :)

You could do development work on a tablet, but I wouldn't recommend
using the on-screen keyboard for any length of time. Even after
replacing the default Android on-screen keyboard with something
better, it it still quite tiresome "typing" on screen. If you have a
proper keyboard (USB or Bluetooth, or whatever) then I can't see any
reason why you shouldn't be able to do so.

The question really is how would the tablet fit in with your current
development methods?

If you're a command-line junkie and edit all your files with a
console-based text editor, then you should be fine using SSH to
connect to your development machine and working remotely.

Alternatively, if you're so inclined, you could always look into some
web-based development tools - such as Cloud9IDE and GitHub mixed

There are many, many options, but I would still say having a real
keyboard is quite important for any serious work on your tablet.


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