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Re: [LUG] VBox and kgpg


On 16/02/12 11:45, Grant Phillips-Sewell wrote:

> Grant
> On Feb 16, 2012 11:36 AM, "Neil Winchurst" <barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> <mailto:barnaby@xxxxxxxxxxxx>> wrote:
>     I use VBox quite a lot to test out various distros. I have three set up
>     at the moment.
>     I have just noticed that I cannot run kgpg in any of them. I get some
>     error message about gnupg and the permissions on an 'options' file. This
>     also refers to a file named gnu.config or some such name. According to
>     synaptic, both kgpg and gnupg are installed.
>     Before I go any further I am wondering if gnupg and kgpg have known
>     problems in VBox. There is no point in me looking for any answers if
>     this is the case.
>     Can anyone shed any light on this please?
>     Neil

> > Does the software work ok on a native install of the distro? I would not
> have thought that running inside a virtual machine would have made any
> difference at all.
In all three cases I installed the distro from a DVD which I had burnt
from a downloaded ISO file. I also would not expect it to make any
difference that they are running in VBox.

I think I must research this a lot more. When I try to run kgpg I get a
message that it can't start gnugpg because either the options file is
missing or the permissions are set wrongly. I can't see any problem with

Oh well, more searching,


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