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Re: [LUG] JRE suddenly missing


On Sat, 17 Dec 2011, Neil Winchurst wrote:

What on earth is going on with Sun and Oracle nowadays?

Oracle bought Sun, so there is no more Sun...

As I see it:

Sun: Nice belevolent Californian company, some good IPR which they didn't really want to capitalise on. As well as hardware/chip designs, Sun "products" included Open Office, Java and MySQL...

Oracle: Mean, money grabbing global corprat company wanting to stich as many peole up as possible, introducing silly lock-ins, enforcing (or trying to) patents they bought off Sun, etc. for no reason other than to extract money money money out of (e.g.) Google and so on.

Hence FOSS forks of Open Office (LibreOffice), MySQL (MariaDB)...


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