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Re: [LUG] Speaking of VirtualBox ...


On Sun, 20 Nov 2011, Grant Sewell wrote:

On Sun, 20 Nov 2011 14:43:59 +0000 (GMT)
Gordon Henderson wrote:

I have an old Win2K box (yes, really, with a genuine Win2K sticker on
the side!) which I'd like to virtualise (and get rid of the physical
PC). It runs an older copy of Quickbooks for doing some of my
accounts with.

I did try once upon a time, but got stuck with Win2K's devices, etc.
it just wouldn't boot, or would crash during booting whinging about
lack of disk drive or something.

The original box is an older Dell 800MHz PIII which runs W2K
adequately - off an 8GB disk. When I tried last time I just took a
binary image of the disk and fed that into VirtualBox - without
spending too much more time on it.

What's my chances of it working now? (or getting it to work at all?)


As I understand it, Virtualbox will play OK with raw images of disks
(or even with partitions, if you edit the appropriate file and point it
in the right direction), but one of the vboxmanage commands should
allow you to convert your dd'd disk image into a VirtualBox disk.

From what I recall, that wasn't the problem - the issue I had was starting
Win2K on what's effectively different underlying hardware -as if I'd taken my disk out of the Dell and put it in an HP box (for exmaple) I have the original Win2K disk but it didn't help me then as it couldn't see the CD rom drive...

I was just wondering if anything had improved at the hardware emulation stage to make this sort of migration easier...



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