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Re: [LUG] Apache Web Hosting Automation


On 25/01/11 20:44, Simon Waters wrote:
Being a debian person I build the Apache config in the style that Debian
would do /etc/apache2/sites-available/[filename], but this is only good
for a few hundred virtual hosts, you need to get cleverer for really big
hosting needs.

Steve Kemp has a utility at Bytemark, Symbiosis, which does this sort of
thing which might be worth looking at if you are doing it a lot.
Basically creating folders in Symbiosis will create a virtual host, or a
mailbox with the corresponding name.

oooh. I was just about to suggest this.

I've just noticed that the documentation on how to install Symbiosis on non-Bytemark kit was woefully out of date so I've just brought done some tidying:


What is Symbiosis?

Documentation: http://symbiosis.bytemark.co.uk/docs/symbiosis.html

If you have any questions, queries or feedback, do feel free to drop me a mail offlist, it is very much under active development. :)



(Bytemark by day, lists by night!)

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