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Re: [LUG] Kids failing on coursework because of proprietary file formats


Microsoft did up til Office2007 offer backward (and forward,
surprisingly) compatibility patches, hidden somewhere in the Office
updates section (and I mean hidden, you have to know to look for it
its under the name Office XXXX compatibility pack or similar) Of
course thats no good if you dont have Office, or the admin rights to
install them.... but if tutors said that to me I would 1)Inform them
of its existance 2) go and download aforementioned patch and give it
to them on a CDR. 3) say "If the IT dept install that for you, you
will be able to read the document, and thus do your job." (Yeah, I'm
blunt when I dont think people are being fair. Its gotten me into
plenty of trouble in the past)

I dunno about ODT though.

Luckily, SDC has Open Office and Office 2007 installed on all college
machines except the ones in the Common Room which are designed for
filtered internet cafe style access only (and bloody slow to boot)

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