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Re: [LUG] Interesting Linux info


Quoting Gordon Henderson <gordon+dcglug@xxxxxxxxxx>:

On Thu, 14 Jan 2010, Rob Beard wrote:

Thats all these phones/e-readers etc are - crippled computers.

Having root access and gcc on a Nokia N900 hadly makes it crippled in my book.

Isn't the N900 the one that runs Linux based on Debian?

It *is* Debian. Complete with root access and apt-get, etc.

A friend of mine has just got an N900, not sure how much he paid for it, I'm guessing it's a contract phone.

They're between £450 and £500 right now. "Free" on a contract for 24 months...

T-Mobile appear to be doing it free on an 18 month contract for £30 a month. I'm currently paying about £17.50 a month, so by the time my contract is up (Feb 2011), then hopefully the price may have come down enough for me to afford it, or otherwise hopefully I might be earning enough to warrant spending £30 a month on a contract phone. :-)

I must admit, being stuck on a contract for another 13 months, I haven't really been actively looking at other deals. It's my first contract in years so I'm not sure if I may possibly be offered a deal nearer to when my contract runs out to stay with Three or if I'll just let it run out and then look at my option then.

I'm just hoping that in 12 months or so when my contract is up for renewal I'll be able to afford an N900 (or Android phone) on contract.

The new googlephone is about £375 plus shipping and import taxes...

As much as I'd like one of these new phones, I don't think the wife would approve of me spending so much. At least with a contract I can 'spread the payments' so to speak. :-)

I keep telling myself though that I will not buy an iPhone, now that's crippled unless you jailbreak it.

If you can't open it, it's not yours...

Ahh, yeah, the Apple iPhone is very closed, both in software and hardware, you can't even change the battery as far as I know. Okay, I guess it does open when it explodes :-D


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