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Re: [LUG] Meetings


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trewornan wrote:
> Unfortunately nearly all the meetings tend to be in Devon (Torquay usually). 

We have tried to arrange meeting in Cornwall in the past but turnout has
been poor.
> --- 

I think you mean paignton,  anyway regarding turn out, we have had
meetings with only 2 - 4 people turn up and other meetings with 15 +
people,  as the shoreline meets are mainly social, its a opporunity to
meet up,  put names to faces etc,

if people have technical problems we can try and help out the best way
we can, it depends who attends, and what resources / knowledge we have
between us.

meetings are what you make them,  2 people meeting in a bar, can sort
out a problem just by talking it over,  if you are able to plug in a
laptop a problem can be looked over by a 2nd set of eyes,  and problems
can be solved,  software installed, etc

As its has been said before,  pick a time / date, advertise on the list,
ideally put the details in your signature,  put the details on the wiki,
 and take it from there.

more importantly please please commit to the date,  I have a plan in
mind just in case I can't make a meeting at the shoreline,  people can
still meet  there without me.

If you want to find ways of promoting OSS in your local area,  then a
small meeting with 2 / 3 people who live near you would be an idea,  get
together,  grab a note pad, and write down ideas,  throw ideas at each
other, perhaps draft an e-mail on paper, or a letter.

anyway see anyone who can make it at the next meet 9 may 2009,  3pm
shoreline,  June meet onwards should be back on the first saturday.

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