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Re: [LUG] Pondering upon Debian


On Wednesday 19 March 2008 21:11, tom wrote:

> RedHat, Suse, Ubuntu could all vanish tomorrow because they rely on
> financial model, Debian however only requires the good will of the
> community and that is a lot harder to kill.
RedHat, Suse and Canonical could fail tomorrow - this would NOT affect the 
above distributions. 
There may be some name changes to avoid Trademark laws  (ala 
Firefox/Iceweasel) but there is absoultely no reason why these distributions 
could not carry on as Debian does. 
They will all be very hard to kill - their software is free, not tied to the 
'parent' company. If they have the user support their distributions wil 
continue  - they just wont have a company that thinks they're going to get 
money out if free software 'leading/controlling/restricting...' the 
distribution. They dont need almost religious self belief to continue - just 
an active user base.
Tom te tom te tom

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