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Re: [LUG] Pocket telephone exchange...


Tom Potts wrote:
> When I was a kid...
> I used a thing that allowed you to plug two modems into each other and 
> effectively connect so you could pretend to be an ISP or whatever.
> Anyone seen one about anywhere?
> Its either that or diving into the box from hell* for my parallel cable and 
> PPP ing down that...
> Tom te tom te tom
> * does anyone know why a box of cables, left completely undisturbed, turns 
> into a Gordian knot no matter how you pack them?

Gremlins,  goblins  perhaps,   This seems to apply to anything,  that 
can get tangled up,  cable, we have a box at work full of things like 
skipping ropes that suffers the same issue,  very irritating,  when you 
are trying to untangle stuff for kids,  who being helpful just pull on 
it,  usually making things worse,  it also happes if things are neatly 
hung up,  put two more neatly tied cables on the same hook and the same 
thing happens,   same as the one item you want in the box, is always 
lurking at the bottom of the box,  despite you being sure it was on the 
top for quick access.



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