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Re: [LUG] firefox download failing on screensaver


Julian Hall wrote:
> Quote from a friend who still runs Windows 98. 'Nobody's writing viruses 
> for it anymore so it's probably the safest Microsoft OS to have.' :)

There are still plenty around - Windows malware has extraordinary long
lives due to the huge user base of systems that aren't patched.

Which is kind of my point, I dare say if you install a Redhat 7.0 box
unpatched on the Internet it won't last long before it picks up that
nasty worm that was all that rage a few years ago, as someone somewhere
will have an infected host still scanning the net. But it might well
last a few days or weeks before being infected, just because there ain't
a lot of Redhat 7 around as it has either been owned, or replaced. Of
course desktops which don't offer services are owned slower so folks may
take longer to stumble on one of those magical websites or emails that
makes their documents disappear.

I had fun trying to remove a Windows 95/98 virus a while back that
(eventually) writes "you are stupid" over all the MS Office files it can

I thought the XBox 360 was the safest Microsoft OS around, the last
security patch was only to prevent those with physical access running
their own code ;)

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