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Re: [LUG] ms office, openoffice and vista


David Bell wrote:
> On Tuesday 04 March 2008 17:35:34 Anton Channing wrote:
>> David Bell wrote:
>>> On Sunday 02 March 2008 11:38:06 Rob Beard wrote:
>>>> Easy, install Linux and wipe Windows :-)
>>> Er, wipe Windows, then install Linux - always my first frivolous
>>> suggestion in cases like this :)  Usually falls on stony ground however
>>> :(
This will be a club computer,  so far I have simply asked if Open office 
can be installed as I have so much work in that format,  Ideally once we 
have an office at the club + computer + printer,  I can move some of the 
files created at home to the club computer,  which means, that anyone 
who has appropriate login can simply print them off. Or I can simply go 
upstairs,  login, open required file and print off,   which for me will 
me much easier.

if this is not possible, i may ask for additional power sockets to be in 
stalled, + perhaps a few cat 5 sockets,  so I can plug a laptop in.  I 
will have to tell the laptop where to print too,  but with any luck it 
will be a network aware printer anyway.

If that fails there is always flash drives,  :)  assuming vista can 
handle these in a sensible way.   plug in.  open my computer find files.


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