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Re: [LUG] Linux in Schools/Colleges/Unis - was: Why are there so few women in our LUG - does this indicate there are few female Linux users ?


Quoting Grant Sewell <dcglug@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:

> Guess what type of Mac I have.  Grrr.
> (Apple Macintosh 5500/225 PowerPC was the correct answer, by the way.)
> Grant. :)

Ahh, one of the beige ones?

I have a iMac G3 and apart from some fault that makes it run at the  
speed of a 286, it was fairly easy to install Linux.  Can't say I've  
tried any of the new versions of Ubuntu on it (I haven't got the  

I wouldn't be surprised if most schools now have G3 or higher new  
world Macs nowadays.  They also make pretty good LTSP clients too  
(although I think there are a couple of slight issues with sound  


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