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[LUG] bulk resize of photos - related to previouis post of licenses


On a related note,  anyone got suggestions for how to bulk reduce a set 
of photos, to a smaller size, (as in actual file size) or what image 
format is good,  my camera saves to jpeg,  avg size is 2.9 mb,   I have 
uploaded some but they are quite large,  in size.

on a related note any way of auto adding a watermark that says what 
license they are under, or perhaps use stenography to embed a message or 
perhaps even add something to the exif data, tags.  Even if this is my 
name,  and what license they are under,

i am looking at gm (graphics magic), at the  moment,  command line would 
be prefered as its quicker,  and can be simply applied at the console 
without messing around with a gui,  which will take longer to simply 
open the right folder and highlight the files I want to manipulate, 
thats before I even start playing with the images.

One alternative is to change the camera settings, however I like to take 
photos on the best quality,  however if I remember I can probably do 
this before games,  which means the command line too will be a back up 
plan in case I don't remember to change the settings.

thanks again



Support open file formats use ISO 26300 Open Document format
as used by openoffice.org,  http:///www.openoffice.org


Lug Bar B Que
Sunday 19th August 2007
Cornwall, details on lug site, www.dcglug.org.uk under meetings.

Version 3.1
GIT d S: a  C+++ UL++++ P+ L++ W++ N+ W--- 
O! V!  PS+ Y! t+++ 5 X+++ R tv- b- 
DI! D++ G e H! r! z?


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