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Re: [LUG] OT - conspiracy theories - was facebook group


Hi Tom,

thanks for you response :)

On Fri, 2007-08-24 at 09:50 +0100, Tom Potts wrote:
> On Thursday 23 August 2007 19:36, Ralph Smithen wrote:
> > Why did WTC7 collapse?
> Theres a saying  - never attribute to malice that that can be attributed to 
> stupidity.

Sin comentario.

> The stupidity there was simply cheap and nasty underengineering - the 
> insulation was pathetic and so failed. 

Did you watch the PBS video clip where Silverstein admits that "they
made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse"?
Please note that this is an admission of controlled demolition.

The 911 Commission (whose Executive Director was Zelikow) report makes
*no mention* of the collapse of 7 WTC.

Also, one should notice that it is extremely unlikely that a collapse
due to evidently asymmetrically distributed small fires should cause the
building to fall neatly into its footprint.
Here's a clip from the BBC of the Windsor building (a 32 story
steel-framed building in Madrid) conspicuously failing to collapse after
being utterly devastated by fire in February 2005.
The BBC article is headed by "Madrid skyscraper faces collapse", yet in
the body it reveals that the fire is out (2 hours before the article was
published).  Hmmm.

> The conspiracy here would be the conspiracy of silence not to blame the 
> inadequate design.
> If you want a decent conspiracy theory - with the evidence to back it up you 
> should have watched Pilgers 'The war on democracy' on ITV last week 
> which gives a fantastic parallel for the Free/Proprietary software war.

Sadly, I don't have a TV, but I've read some good stuff by that guy.  My
landlady watched it and said it was interesting.  I was amused to see
that her copy of "TV Choice" described the programme by saying something
like "John Pilger argues that America..."  Since their many
interventions in Latin America are a matter of public record that should
have been, "John Pilger relates how..." or some such.  As Grandad said
in the film "The Lost Boys":  "Read the TV guide, you don't need a
TV!"  ;)

What's really instructive is to examine how the media covered the events
at the time, as Noam Chomsky does in his book "Manufacturing Consent".

> Tom te tom te tom

Ralph fa la la la

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