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Re: [LUG] Easy Squid?



Thank you for your reply. I installed Ubuntu 7.04 into a VMWare VM to 
test how successful the tutorial was but the problem I had was with 
editing the configuration file for Squid - there was an entry that was 
supposed to be amended that doesn't even appear in the config file so I 
was stuck at that point.

MySpace is just one of the things they wanted to block. I'm totally as 
liberal as they come and agree with your stance, but the problem wasn't 
one of free speech - it was just that the kids were using MySpace and 
Bebo which some parents had concerns about. The main concern was 
blocking Adult content, as some children were violating the usage policy 
and visiting some very disturbing sites indeed!

As far as blocking lists go, I see there are a number of lists out there 
that I assume I can cron and wget periodically - assuming I find a 
decent enough one.

I have seen your second reply and will check out Smoothwall. Do note, 
I'm very very free speech and very anti-censorship, I just have to 
appease the parents and supervisors of this Youth Club!


Simon Waters wrote:
> Ruairi Fullam wrote:
>> Essentially, Social Networking (MySpace) and Adult sites need to be 
>> blocked - I've seen a number of solutions but I'm not sure which to go 
>> for - does anyone have a recommendation?
> I'm curious why you feel the need to block MySpace?
>> Ideally I'd like to use Ubuntu - but upon trying the following tutorial, 
>> I have had no luck:
>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard
> What went wrong?
> I would suggest Squid is a very good proxy, and it is pretty easy to 
> devise ones own filters for specific needs. Indeed devising ones own 
> filters is a lot easier than installing and configuring SquidGuard, but 
> not as effective.
> The hardest part is getting it into the right place that it intercepts 
> all the requests.
>> Something with automatic updates and administrative override would be ideal.
> SquidGuard recommends "chastity-list" in Debian -- but that is long dead 
> (circa 2002). You probably just need a suitably maintained blacklist...
> Have a look at these;
> http://squidguard.shalla.de/blacklists.html
> Me I think most such filtering is pointless -- but hey I'm a woolly 
> minded liberal.

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