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Re: [LUG] Vista from AUT Direct


Keith Abraham wrote:
> I've been running a sid (unstable) distro since Nov 2004 with daily 
> dist-upgrades. This period also included a complete machine upgrade.
> The only major breakage I've had was during the intro of Xorg (which
> was soon fixed).

A lot more broke in Sid than that. I twice had to backout the entire
daily upgrade. Neil was (I think rashly) running the DCGLUG site on Sid
(not now), and that broke a few times. Having done a couple of Etch
upgrades I have a fair idea which packages I used that have changed
since Sarge was released enough that they will need manual attention.

Change breaks things, the Linux upgrades in 2.6 broke my laptops ACPI
support twice, and ACPI is pretty basic to get a modern PC booted.

But I think it supports my point, it was largely "real change", major
new versions of Apache, PHP, Linux, dovecot, XF86 to X.org, GCC, GNOME
and GTK libs, that broke things. The incremental changes in revisions,
which is most of the updates in Sid, just fix minor bugs, don't usually
create major breakage around the place (although Pan, and CUPS seem
determined to prove otherwise - sigh).

You can see it as Microsoft breaking Vista, or you can see it as them
changing the driver API.

Speaking as someone burnt in Sarge, because of bugs labelled as "won't
fix in Sarge" before it was even released, continual change will not
float for most users of computers. I'm planning on migrating my Sid
boxes to Etch, because it breaks too much too often for my partner to
use it.

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