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Re: [LUG] Respoinse to my cry for help - brother


Peter M Le Mare wrote:
> All of you who have responded to my earlier posting - thank you very 
> much. It has been most helpful. I will try to e-mail all those that 
> contacted me personally.
> Some of you asked about my PC's specs and printers etc. For info it is 
> a self built system AMD 2800+, 512Mb memory, Philips DVD, 2 X 40Gb HDD. 
> The new monitor is a 19" TFT Widescreen: Printers HP laser 1018 
> and Brother DC 315cn (Composite - scanner, copier, printer, with card 
> reader). I have not been able to get the new Brother for my colour 
> photo's to work - it just wont install properly and I have had long 
> and expensive phone calls to Brother with no success: I don't know 
> whether this printer will work with Linux as there doesn't seem to be 
> a Linux driver with it. My Broadband modem is a Sagem F@st 800 E3.
I have the brother dcp310cn,  there are drivers for the dcp315cn, 

my website may be useful www.zleap.net. I have put my notes on there 
regarding this printer and how I got it working before by creating 
various files manually.

you need both the lpr and cupswrapper driver.


hope this helps

If you get any more problems I will see if I can help via e-mail or 
perhaps the irc channel



DCLUG Meeting date Thursday 11th January 2007 - PRFC from 7:00


Version 3.1
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