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Re: [LUG] OK so whats wrong with it?


Julian Hall wrote:

> This idea is just pandering to people who don't have the intelligence to 
> remember usernames and passwords.  Maybe I'm being too harsh, but I 
> think that's tough - learn to remember them!

They don't though. They post-it to their monitors, write them on bits of 
paper and re-use the same ones over and over and over again. I'd take a 
guess that most desks near most computers have compromising data written 
  down somewhere.

*Something* better is needed and I welcome any attempt to explore the 
possibilities. I'm not smart enough to offer anything constructive other 
than support to those who are genuinely trying to make life safer and 
more secure to the average user.

I know that the more people know about security the more likely they 
are to chase that impossible dream of making something totally secure 
and ultimately achieve nothing because they can't pick a "Good enough" 
point as a compromise and produce something that is

A) Easy to use.
B) Cannot be compromised without some work by somebody determined, 
trained and clever.
C) Cheap or free.

In that order, imo.

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