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[LUG] Share webcam over NAT?


Despite my best efforts people are still unable to view my webcam.

It used to work fine with amsn, but it doesn't anymore- don't know why.

I've tried mercury, but I'm unable to obtain the JMF package required 
for audio/video support.
I've tried kopete, which looked really promising, but absolutely nothing 
happens when I try to 'send webcam'.

Any more ideas?

My webcam works really well in Linux- both kopete and amsn will show it 
to me, I just can't get anyone else to view it.

As with virtually all these things, either I or the other person or both 
are likely to be behind a NAT or firewall, so opening ports is not 
really an option.

Ideally I want it to work with M$ messenger, but I'm open to other 

Also I would like voice support- at the moment I'm using TeamSpeak, but 
as that requires something else to be installed I can only use it with 
certain people.

Who else has a webcam which works in Linux, and what do you use it for 
and how?


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