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Re: [LUG] Portable programming


On Mon, 08 Jan 2007 17:16:24 +0000
Simon Williams <systemparadox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> Virtually any program I write I will want to work anywhere regardless of
> OS or architecture.

Architecture: Easy - anything supported in Debian.
OS: Gtk and glib.

Take a look at Fink/OSX and Cygwin - two environments that have
successfully ported *native* Gtk applications to the two main
alternative operating systems. Design your Gtk/GLib program with
portability in mind and it can be trivial to port the program to these
other environments.

Don't omit SMALL architectures from your list either - embedded devices
are increasingly important and large interpreted languages like Java or
Perl simply won't fit, neither will C#.

> Does anyone have any recommendations for libraries to use for portable
> programs?


Lots of simple documentation - install dwww on Debian or devhelp
elsewhere and then the relevant -doc packages.

Use a sensible IDE (Anjuta) and learn the autotools *well* because
therein lies the secret of portability. The GNU autotools can seem
daunting but if you use autotools to show you where the code is
problematic, you'll end up writing portable code by default. Use -Wall
and -Werror at ALL times and in all projects. Hunt down every error and
warning and fix them, don't work around them. Workarounds are the
Number1 reason why applications fail when ported.

This method puts more of the portability burden on you at the very time
when it is easiest to fix portability issues - before the first
release. If 'make distcheck' completes successfully and you implement
sensible test case programs for common problems, you can be reasonably
confident that the code will compile on any POSIX system - whether it
works is up to you.

Do NOT attempt to cut corners now to get the first release done quickly
- it is always harder to make code portable AFTER release than before.
Portable programming is not a race, there are no shortcuts nor is it
a trivial task. It needs to be in your mind throughout design and

> The main thing I am looking at for now is a widget set- should I use
> gtk, qt or something else?

Qt is incredibly difficult to handle in small programs, gnome is bad
enough but Qt makes gnome dependencies look simple. Leave libgnomeui
out of the equation and you really can't get much simpler than

> What about sound? file I/O? Networking?

Sound is always tricky - you'll need different libraries for that but
they aren't particularly large. Configuration is the hard part. (GConf).

I/O? GLib has almost everything you could need, including simple XML
and KeyFiles or there's sqlite. Don't use libxml2 as the sole I/O, it
limits your portability due to the ever increasing size, keep it as an
option for more capable devices. Networking? GnomeVFS - not weighed
down with the rest of the Gnome UI libs, it's a small addition to
Gtk/GObject/GLib but provides transparent I/O for local and virtual
filesystems. What kind of networking did you have in mind?

Use as much existing code as possible - most tasks can be done with
very little new code, all you need to do is remix it. You can expect to
fit all that in a 60kb binary. Take a look at GPE.

If you want a query interface with that, I'm inevitably going to
recommend QOF which is based on GLib and brings SQL-type object
handling along with transparent libxml2 and SQLite backends.

Also, keep in mind that it is the DATA that needs to be portable, not
just the application. Do not lock the data into a custom backend, do
not lock the logic into a custom frontend. Keep the backend generic,
keep the logic with the objects wherever possible and keep the frontend
simple and flexible. Aaron did a good talk at a past meeting that
touched on Model:View:Controller - keep the data in the model, the
frontend in the view and the object logic as controller. That way you
can easily add a new View and a new Model without losing compatibility
with the controller: the data objects. See data-freedom.org for more on

I can guarantee that as soon as others start using your program, they
are going to want a slightly different view of the data or to
export/import data that is currently held in a different model. Live
with it, design it in at the start. Expect to handle export and import,
no matter what the application, expect to have requests for modified
views or systems that can provide alternative views, like XSL/HTML.

The worst possible thing you can do in terms of a portability, IMHO, is
to require every user to enter all data using the sole frontend and
expect them to be happy with a custom backend. (e.g. gnucash).


Neil Williams

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