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Re: [LUG] open source threaded discussion board with extensibility and monitoring?


Simon Waters wrote:
> Wonder what it is about threaded discussion forums that make them so
> unpopular?! My guess is the lousy threading display in most of them, and
> that email with an archive does the job just as well if people follow
> the rules.
I think it is that users have to click on each posting to read it.

It isn't really true of course... viz Slashcode, Groklaw's Geeklog etc,
but then you find people complain that some postings are open, some just
titles, some truncated and it is complicated.

And then there is the user experience of email - which rather commonly
is in email clients that don't actually do threading.

Unlike the stuff us sophisticates use and wish to carry on using.

Email is great, but a personal collection of email (even if it is not
delivered over an unreliable service to only one of the three sites
where you may need to read it) doesn't provide an easy solution for
those who come in later - an archive of some sort does.  Also discussion
lists are great if everyone on them is interested, but if you have
people who wish at most to follow one sub-branch of a big tree, being
bombarded with all points emails irritates them.

My 2p

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