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Re: [LUG] OT: Windows XP Laptops


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Theo Zourzouvillys wrote:
> On Tuesday 11 July 2006 18:37, Mark Evans wrote:
>>I'd like to be able to configure Windows laptops so that the wireless
>>interface is switched on only when there is no ethernet connection.
>>Whilst Windows has the ability to switch network interfaces on and
>>off purely by software and has "media sense" to detect if a network
>>cable is connected there appears to be no obvious way to have the latter
>>control the former.
> You really don't want to disable the wireless link every time you plug your 
> ethernet in, unless you want to break all established TCP connections (and 
> probably all UDP ones too (unless you use the same IP address on both links - 
> which is not advised due to ARP issues).

There are a couple of ways around this, the problem with the most
obvious is that apparently the Windows Bridging code dosn't correctly
impliment STP. (Or at least it won't play well with Nortel kit.)

> That would mean your IM, mail, and ssh clients, along with any downloads going 
> on would break and need to be re-established.  a pain in the arse.

I'm the network admin, most of my users wouldn't know what ssh is and
shouldn't be trying to download anything in the first place.

The basic problem is that trying to fit nearly 100 laptops into
an IP network with a netmask of isn't going to
work if they require 2 IP addresses each.

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