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Re: [LUG] Firefox won't start up


Richard Brown wrote:
> Hi Neil
> Thanks for the quick response.
> On Thursday 06 July 2006 07:58, Neil Stone wrote:
>>ps ax | grep firefox
> I got the answer 3076 pts/3    S+      0:00 grep firefox
> So I tried to kill pid 3076 but it told me there was no process 3076!

No, that was the "grep firefox" statement itself.

Typing a pipe like command "ps ... | grep ... " will start two
processes, one named "ps ..." and one named "grep ...", which talk to
each other, and so will show up in the ps output which lists processes
(or more precisely "tasks" on Linux).

Neil should have suggested "ps -ef | grep firefox | grep -v grep" so it
would ignore the word "firefox" in itself -- but I'm guessing he figured
you'd know what the "grep" was.

> Any ideas please?

Try removing ".parentlock", usually works for me.

Why the start-up script for firefox doesn't check for this sort of stale
entry is beyond me (or remove it when it encounters relevant signals),
or use some sort of process linked lock that the OS would clear up
automatically (even better), as this makes firefox on Linux unduely
difficult in the rare event of it crashing.

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