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Having tested Zope/Plone for use with our own website, I have to temper Matt's
enthusiasm a little.

Go for it.

Plone can do the non-table layouts using CSS but only in a limited way - the
templates and final appearance of the site are quite rigid. Despite lots of
claims that the single (75Mb) data file for Plone is transferable between
installations (for backup / testing purposes etc.), I was unable to get any
data files to operate on alternate systems. Whichever direction I tried, it
failed - not "that looks a bit odd" but "HTTP 403 Forbidden" or "HTTP 500
Internal Server Error", other cryptic Plone engine errors and simple
"unauthorised" messages.

The data file can be squashed down, and it while I believe it can be a little tricky at times to shift the Data.fs between systems, it can be done.

Of course, your testing system should be identical to your deployment system anyway, right?

Plone does not integrate well with other site features like an external
archive, existing database scripts and external programs. You can extend it
with Python but it cannot bring external non-Python content into the CMS


Plone also requires unusual changes to your Apache config that can break other
sites or processes on the same server. I spent many hours getting Plone to
operate on a test server and the installation instructions are confused and
inaccurate in places.

Okay, on Debian.

apt-get install zope2.7



cd /var/lib/zope2.7/instance/default/Products

wget plone2.0.5.tar.gz

tar zxvf plone.tar.gz

mv CMFPlone/* .

chown zope:zope -R *

emacs /etc/apache/httpd.conf

(having installed libproxy and mod_rewrite)

<VirtualHost *>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://localhost:8080/VirtualHostBase/http/locahost:80/plonefoo/ VirtualHostRoot/$1 [P]

emacs /var/lib/zope2.7/instance/default/etc/zope.conf

Control S 9673

Replace 9673 with 8080

Control X C

/etc/init.d/zope2.7 start

In browser, goto localhost:8080, log in with the user you were prompted with by mkzope2.7instance

Add a plone site from the menu, with id plonefoo

Back to terminal, apachectl graceful.


Personally, I found Plone was slow, cumbersome, difficult to secure, difficult
to adapt and impossible to backup or transfer between sites.

You may have had Debug mode on. It can be slow in Debug mode, else it's pretty nippy.

100% CSS, no tables for markup. Accessible, XHTML. In short: It rocks.

Until you need to work it in with non-Python external routines and until you
want a backup of that immense Data.fs file.

You can do both. Furthermore, Plone is standards based, and easy to use, and doesn't reinvent the wheel.

Sorry, Matt, our experiment with Plone has left me completely underwhelmed and
I bitterly regret the MONTHS wasted on testing it. I should never have used
Plone for the dcglug test website on my own server, I cannot recommend that
anyone else tries it and I feel obliged to point out the horrors of my
experience to those who ask for an honest recommendation.

I'm sorry you feel that way, but I wouldn't recommend anything else.


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