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Re: [LUG] What's everyone doing ?

On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Bill Wilson wrote:

Anyone else out there develop software on Linux ? What do *you* use as a
development environment ? I guess I've been spoiled by the usability of
MSVC, but I'm finding the move to Linux for development beyond cc a bit
of a struggle.

Spoilt by MSVC?   Aaaargh!

It drives me up the wall, only being able to have one useful-size window
open at the time, windows that can't be moved outside the "master" window
or that insist on snapping into silly places anytime I try to move or
resize them, text that is illegible unless it's large, compiler messages
that won't linewrap forcing horizontal scoll to read anything, massively
undocumented APIs, and wholesale faffing about with crap like
dll[im|ex]port, no graphical environment for designing graphical apps
(in the manner of glade).


It's like being back in the 1980s on a VT100 terminal, except that I've
been spoilt by over a decade of something vastly better.

Nick Kew

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