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[LUG] WinME & DualBoot

There was a guy a Linux day trying to get Winme to Dualboot, I 
*think* i've solved it. I say think because its a little simple.

After spending quite a long time downloading the netbsd ISO (95mb) on 
my trusty modem, I found I didn't really have anywhere to install it 
except my Winme box. So in the spirit of adventure I partitioned and 
installed, forgetting the whole 'it replaces your MBR on boot thing', 
so after booting Netbsd then Winme later then Netbsd again I realised 
that it hadn't replaced my MBR. 

I soon realised this is because I had disabled 'System Restore' (that 
useful program that that sucks up diskspace). If you wish disable 
System restore the option is hidden in -- 
control-panel-system-performance-filesystem-trouble shooting 
then a checkbox 'disable system restore'
I hope that helps someone, I haven't done a search yet but I have a 
feeling someone has found this before.

-- Tom Laithwaite, tomlai@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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