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Re: [LUG] Screen Problem



On 03/12/2021 18:16, Neil wrote:
On 03/12/2021 16:10, Julian Hall wrote:
Hi Neil,

What graphics card does it have? Is it using the recommended driver?

Kind regards,


Just an Intel one. I have never used nVidia.

What puzzles me is...the same machine has been running MX19 for years with no problem.

Also, I am typing this on my laptop which is also running MX 21. No problems.


Today, Sunday 5th December, I finally decided that the problem is of my own doing. When I recently installed MX Linux on this computer I decided to go with the AHS (Advanced Hardware System) version. It did say on the web site that it would work for any version. Not for me it didn't. So I decided to start again and install the normal version, which I am using now. My screen is now working just fine. Just need to finish with all the extras which I pur on.

Thanks for all the sympathy,


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