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Re: [LUG] Flaming kernel updates


On 10/05/18 20:54, George Parker wrote:
On 07/05/18 21:39, Julian Hall wrote:
Hi All,

Sorted now but extremely aggravating at the time. Mint 18 software updater said there was a new kernel available, 4.15.0-20, so I duly installed it expecting it to be OK - after all it had been officially listed in the updater, I hadn't just done it manually.

Then I rebooted.. and the trouble began.

If you've followed the saga of my NFS woes with my NAS NFS shares not mounting at boot, you'll know I execute 'sudo mount -a' from a terminal when I boot to mount the three NFS shares on my NAS. This I did, and got three lines of 'mount.nfs Network unreachable'. Then I realised I had /no network connection at all/ just a disconnected icon on the toolbar. Network Manager showed my last connection to OLYMPUS 53 minutes earlier. The only network connection it offered me was Network Proxy.

After much gnashing of teeth, some rude words directed at all and sundry, and booting my laptop to research how to fix it I then rebooted the desktop, chose Advanced Options for Mint 18.3 and booted with the previous kernel. Hurrah! Full network access. Then I removed the offending kernel just in case the system tries to be clever and revert to it.

My - somewhat obvious - question is why ? Why the chuffing hell did the kernel update break my network access completely? There were no other updates on that occasion so it can only have been the kernel, which seems confirmed by the fact that reverting to the previous one resolved the problem.

Kind regards,


That's odd. I'm running Mint 18.3 Cinnamon and my updater says it wants to install kernel 4.13.0-41. I've just got back from holiday so am a bit behind you.


I'm also running Cinnamon. It's probably because I have been manually updating to the next kernel as they become available - I expect I'm out of synch with those who - wisely - only update what Mint offers. For now I've told it to stop telling me about that update so I should be left alone until the next release. At least now I know how to fix it if the next one breaks the system too.


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