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Re: [LUG] nhs cyber attack


> On 12 May 2017, at 18:49, daniel Phillips <danielphillips50@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Forgive me for not knowing the current IT circumstances within government and the 
> NHS. But wouldn't switching to an OSS alternative in fact save them millions and 
> still be a little more secure then the systems they have in place at present?  I 
> have read other countries are leading the way and switching to OSS and standards.  
> Do you think our government should have got on this band wagon a long time ago?


The $ cost per os licence is trivial compared with the over head of installs, 
patching and app compatibility. 

and thats why enterprises choose MS ... the release cycle is 5-10 years, which means 
the test and redow cycle is 5-10 years. With opens source is't 6-12 months. 

Can you imagine the cost of having to do full environment testing for custom apps 
every 6 months?  

... I don't think the NHS even knows what continuous integration is. I'd put money 
on some critical apps are still COBOL. 

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