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Re: [LUG] arch derivatives


How about Arch itself? Is it just the setup time that is putting you off? It doesn't take so long, and once it's done, it's done. Then it's just you and Pacman... And AUR.

I'm one who swears by Arch. Though my second SSD (in ThinkPad UltraBay) has a partition with KXStudio on it (which has some really great music software).

On 3 April 2015 23:32:57 BST, bad apple <mr.meowski@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Are any not terrible?

Out of curiosity I've been trialling Manjaro, Antergos, Blackarch...
they're all worse than useless. Most of them immediately fail with their
stupid custom frontends to pacman unable to handle expired package
maintainer keys, etc: they're so fragile it's comical. EFI boot breaks
most of them immediately. I realise these are rolling releases but
c'mon: I have super bleeding edge stuff like void linux running with no
problems, plus rawhide, sid, etc. I hate how much Linux is just an
equivalently rubbish and crappy OS these days, it used to be my go-to

Is there a rolling release, bleeding edge version of arch, or even
linux, that isn't total crap? Does everyone in the world just install
ubuntu/mint/debian stable these days?

Things are seriously getting to the stage where I do *everything* in
hypervisors now. and Windows based Hyper-V is no worse and no better
than KVM/LXC/VBox/VMWare/etc - all I want is a stable and modern base OS
to run all my virtual stuff in. CoreOS is looking very promising.

There is no particular point to this post, and I'm not trolling - Linux
is really pissing me off these days. I'm fully up and running with
systemd and all the latest toys, I've had to prototype CentOS7 and a
bunch of other stuff recently for work plus I've been shadowing systemd
since inception across various VMs but it's all getting to the point
where I just couldn't give a crap anymore.

FreeBSD 10.1 is really nice however, and as soon as my new NVME Intel
750 arrives I think I'm jumping. It's not that Linux sucks, because it
doesn't; it's just that pretty much every single implementation of it
sucks to death. I have a lifelong love/hate relationship with various
operating systems and as much as it pains me to say it, I'm actually
more productive currently with any OS that let's me start a browser that
connects to my various vSphere, Xen, KVM, etc, http restful interfaces.
I used an on-loan Chromebook Pixel for 2 weeks recently and lived in a
browser: it was fine for even things like logging into vSphere - better
than fine actually. On my normal Linux machines the vSphere webclient
just crashed all the time. At least I could actually get some work done.

I'm so desperate for an operating system that isn't shit. I wish to god
that someone would make one in my lifetime. Mark Russinovich himself is
in the news today stating that Windows itself could possibly go
opensource - brilliant. The combination of windows update plus
gentoo-style compilation of all packages fills me with joy. Just imagine
doing a system update on Win10 via LLVM on cygwin through a apt-get
wannabee powershell script...

For a long time I revelled in constant exploration and experimenting,
trying to find the best tools and operating systems for the job which
would pretty much always be linux. Now I just cut the effort and try and
avoid the least terrible crap instead, which is also frequently linux.
How the mighty have fallen :[

*sorry, gone a bit off topic here. stand by everything though. plan9 ftw.
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