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[LUG] Fedora Beta/Rawhide systemd fix


Just in case anybody else may end up struggling with the same issue,
thought I should post this to save them some time and frustration.

Recent changes in both Fedora 18 beta (just released) and Rawhide
(Fedora Core 19) by that bastard Poettering again have wrought utter
havoc on the car crash that is systemd - a fresh install shouldn't be a
problem but if like me you're shadowing rolling releases to keep abreast
of technology changes you're probably going to get stung and your
graphical login will crash and die. The reason* is he's changed the
default systemd targets again, for some reason best known to himself. I
eventually got it fixed with:

sudo systemctl enable --force gdm.service

This overwrites the now obsolete and broken dependency on the older
prefdm.service target.

Hopefully this might save someone else a bit of pain as debugging
systemd is still a giant pain compared to initscripts.


* http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/DisplayManagerRework

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