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On 09/09/12 20:22, Tom Brough wrote:
> On 09/09/12 16:38, Roland Tarver wrote:
>> On 09/09/2012 02:54 PM, paul sutton wrote:
>>> On 09/09/12 13:42, Tom Brough wrote:
>>>> Just "come up for air" for the first time in 6+ months .... Just
>>>> realised it's Software Freedom Day next Saturday.
>>> I am busy at the rugby club,  home game vs cullomption,  if anyone
>>> wants
>>> to drop in they can.  Apart from that I can't do anything.
>>> t
>>> Btw how are you,  good to hear from you :)
>>> Paul
>> Hi Tom!
>> Good to hear from you. hHought you had died! lolol
>> Cheers roly :-D
> I'm not dead just extremely inert.
> Tom.
Excellent,  so what you been up to ?  or have you been really busy at work



skype : psutton111

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