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[LUG] python and geany + turtle



in python if open a terminal window and load python and then use the code

import turtle
t = turtle.pen()

as per the code mentioned in snake wrangling for kids (kids python book)

it displays a canvas thing that has a pointer which is linked to the
above code,  I can then draw things with python

However if I use the same code in geany which is a text editor for
programming the code a runs without a problem but doesn't display the
canvas,  I
just wondered what is going wrong.

I assume the canvas is some sort of child process that isn't being
called up as a result of using geany,  but not sure.

I am just beginning this so if its normal I can run stuff from the
console otherwise if its simple to fix I can run from geany and display
the canvas then that would be useful,




skype : psutton111

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