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Re: [LUG] ammyy scam


On Thu, Nov 24, 2011 at 10:46 PM, paul sutton wrote:
> Perhaps running a work shop on this could be really helpful to people in
> fact you may get people saying hey that has happened to me or those
> symtoms sound familiar,  and ask you for help as in you get some custom.
> as long as you make it clear that you can help but not for Free then i
> am sure people won't mind,

What I find difficult about this is how to deal with the fact that
they spoke to someone who obviously sounded very convincing (and some
of these people are damn good and convincing) and now you, sounding
equally convincing, tell them that the former were scammers but you
are to be trusted.

This actually stopped me from contacting people of whom I knew they
have fallen victim to such a scam (they, unwillingly, admitted to it
on Facebook).

Quite frustrating.


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