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Re: [LUG] Is it just me


On 29/05/11 08:28, Joe Buckle wrote:
On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 08:23 +0100, tom wrote:
On 29/05/11 08:12, Joe Buckle wrote:
On Sun, 2011-05-29 at 08:08 +0100, tom wrote:
or is the video link missing on this:

Tom te tom te tom

Honestly, the link is clickable - but I certainly don't think the video
is clear enough. I couldn't see no sound waves.. that's for sure!
(unless I'm missing something )


I dont get a link just the text "Watch: Trombone's shockwaves caught on
Tom te tom te tom
Seems fine here (ff).. just checked again.


Please can you paste the link in a reply please - I have 4 machines that dont show the link - some weird javascriptness from the BBC
Tom te tom te tom

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