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Re: [LUG] A microcosm of the web


On 01/08/10 07:45, Jaan Janesmae wrote:

The UX and UI side of website design/management is actually a very
complicated science. There surely isn't enough materials and articles
about it available to the public. Shame also, that not many places
actually teach such things ... oh and experts in this field are very
expensive ...

They're actually very cheap - they're called customers.
It normally takes someone with an IQ of 50 to work out what they want from your web site:
Will I want to view a 10 minute flash about the company? No!
Will I want to spend 10 minutes searching the labyrinth of PR information? No!
Thats 90% of most website binned.
Will I want to buy your product easily: Yes!
So councils and universities should have clear short routes to services, timetables etc and not 20,000 clicks through how the metadata was defined and presented.
Will I want to find support info easily? Yes! see above.
Once you consider (honestly) how a 'customer' would like to use your web site and make it easy for them - and make it accessible: do this first - its a great lesson!!!!

You just have to imagine how a customer would like walk/click into your 'shop' and make it easy for them. Does a high street shop take you on a two hour trip through the PR department, explain all the legal reasonings and health and safety hoops they've jumped through to get their sandwich on that shelf? Or have a simpering, slicked back 'peter mandelson' explaining company mission statements? NO! A high street shop would loose every last customer doing this. Just let the customer get to the sandwich, checkout and complaints dept easily and you've satisfied 99% of your customers, saved 95% of your web development costs and reduced web bandwidth requirements by 85% - oh and sold something!! Its NOT rocket science - though getting it past your PR department might require a couple of dozen rockets.
Tom te tom te tom


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