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Re: [LUG] OT: Tom's Recycle Challenge


On Sat, 2010-06-26 at 14:57 +0100, tom brough wrote:
> I have one large antistatic bag full of 72pin memory cards (from the 486
> era or at least when Pentium didn't have a number after it). Yes all
> right get your sniggering over with at the back there ;-).
> So my challenge is to find a way of recycling them. Other than turning
> them into ear rings (which wouldn't suit me), I have absolutely no idea
> what to do with them. I don't want to bin them because that would defeat
> the purpose of recycling them.
> So the best suggestion wins ..... a bag full of 72pin memory cards.
> Tom.

I always liked this lamp made using old memory.


Nice and geeky, but my skills at soldering and diy in general are pretty

John Williams
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