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Re: [LUG] PDFs


Neil Stone wrote:
tom wrote:
Neil Stone wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Does anyone know of a good GUI tool I can use to manipulate PDFs in
GNU/Linux with ease ?

Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/

Command line
rm -rf `find / -type f -name *.pdf`
is the best thing to do - you may wish to convert them to a more useful form before this
Tom te tom te tom

Well.. that's not very GUI is it ?? I would like to be able to add new pages, rotate pages, remove other pages, edit test.. you know, the whole 9 yards..

PdfTools does some of what you ask for but if you want an open source, bells and whistles editor of pdfs then I believe you're out of luck. PdfEdit does a reasonable if somewhat flaky job but nowhere near as good as Adobe's own software and even then it's not that good despite it's high cost. Also Adobe frequently releases new versions of pdf (5 in the last 0 years) so it's difficult for open source software to keep up..

As far as I understand it Adobe originally designed the Portable Document Format as a standard format for the quick and easy production of documents. Editing was never part of the original design.

By the way if you want free gui software that allows you to produce really excellent pdfs then you can't do better than to use Scribus.

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