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Re: [LUG] Firefox and The Guardian


On Wed, 14 Oct 2009, Simon Robert wrote:

I'm using firefox 3.5 on kubuntu, The Guardian is my home page. The
problem is that when I open it I get a message saying the page is being
directed in a way that cannot be resolved. I can solve this by deleting
a cookie called GU_MI, there are up to seven copies of this cookie which
I guess all refer to each other thus causing the problem?

Where does ff keep cookies? Where could I put a script to delete them
during boot up? I've done a search on GU_MI, but it obviously isn't
stored under this name.

Just tried it myself: http://www.guardian.co.uk/ seems fine to me... (ff3.5)

Can't you use firefoxes own cookie manager to resolve it?

Cookies are held in a sqlite database.

Under .mozilla/firefox there will be another directory - some magical hash value - I think this if for different profiles. ls -lt will tell you which is live..

Cookies are stored in cookies.sqlite, so if you have sqlite installed, you can type SQL commands at it to manipulate it.

Or rename it, start a new session, set your home page elsewhere, (if that's what's stopping you getting anywhere), quit ff, put the cookie files back and then use firefox's cookie manager...


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