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[LUG] Apache stats all fail virtualdocumentroot


Afternoon all.

I have Apache 2 with name based virtualhosts using virtualdocumentroot 
(the pattern matching thing- so I don't have to manually define every 
single virtualhost and restart apache every time- unlike what seems the 
entire internet).

What I'm looking for is just simple stats generated from my access_log, 
viewable online, maybe with some pretty graphs. Webalizer was exactly 
what I wanted in terms of being brain-dead simple to setup.

Unfortunately I am yet to find anything which I can actually use, 
because of the issue with virtualhosts. All my virtualhosts go into one 
log file. I have no desire to change this, primarily because I can't 
without going back to ordinary painful repetitive virtualhosts. In any 
case, I would actually prefer to just be able to go to stats.mydomain 
and get all the stats for my sites there, rather than having to split 
out log files and run whatever stats program on each one in turn, 
putting stats in foo.mydomain/stats on each site.

I've tried webalizer, which was near-perfect, apart from the fact that 
the only option for dividing up the stats for each site is to divide the 
logs and run it multiple times.

I've tried analog, but didn't get very far with that at all.

I've tried awstats, but I can't get it to do anything at all. Simple to 
install it is not. And I'm pretty sure the reason I can't get it to work 
as that it's mutually exclusive with virtualdocumentroot.

Any suggestions?


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