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Re: [LUG] [Fwd: Google to launch operating system]


2009/7/8 Martinus Scriblerus <martinus.scriblerus@xxxxxxxxx>:
> 2009/7/8 Alan Pope <alan@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> 2009/7/8 Julian Hall <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>> It'll need to look enough like Windows for users to accept it,
>>> whatever's under the bonnet.
>> It's a browser, why does it need to look like Windows?
> Read the original post:
> "'Google is developing an operating system (OS) for personal computers,"

I'm aware of what they're developing. My point was, why should they
care what the underlying OS looks like, as it's predominantly a
browser based OS. So long as the window decorations behave like any
other os.. "Why does it need to _look_ like _windows_?".


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