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Re: [LUG] touchscreen support in linux


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Chronoppolis wrote:
> Hi all,
> Been a while since i last posted - i just moved to sweden for work :)
> but i love this particular groups emails so much that i have stayed a
> member. Anyway i have finally had the time to walk in to a computer
> shop and do some window shopping. I was looking at the HP touchsmart
> series and then the salesman pointed me to the eee top saying but that
> for what i was talking about using the pc for it was a far better
> choice.
> Anyway i have to say i loved it! i had not seen one before but have an
> avid interest in touchscreen tech and follow the progression quite
> keenly.
> So to my question for yee of greater knowledge - what sage is the
> linux interface support for touchscreen/pad at?
> And what about support for multi touch, i know there has been a huge
> hype about the iphone and macbook and asus (1000he i think) multi
> touch laptop keypads. but realistically these are relatively simple
> applications on the technology - a cutting egde example is Jeff Hans
> works 
> http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/jeff_han_demos_his_breakthrough_touchscreen.html.
> In any case multi touch relies on software that can use it as well,
> but i was wandering if there was a operating level support for this
> out there? perhaps not yet...
> I suppose it is a lot easier to emulate a mouse and its functions with
> touch tech rather then multi touch
> I seem to recall reading somewhere about linux and multitouch...
> Anyway i would appreciate your thoughts/input
> Dan
I think xournal is aimed at touch screen systems, as well as desktopm,
its like a note book so you get lined paper, on the screen or can change
to blank or squared for diagrams etc.


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Paul Sutton
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