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Re: [LUG] Ingots...


On Tue, 2008-03-25 at 10:33 +0000, Grant Sewell wrote:
> include in
> my bid to get Cornwall College doing "the right thing" (tm) (alongside
> their "the wrong thing" courses. :D).

Having had a chat with Grant about this I propose to write a "preamble"
to any proposals Grant might make to extend his College into GNU/Linux
(GL for short here) for him to adopt or amend or simply to stimulate his
own writing.

I propose this includes an offer from us to support any GL developments
at the College in any way we can and any joint activities are for our
mutual benefit. I have experience of constructive relations like this in
another arena.

I suggest there are 3 (potentially ovewrlapping) parts to the paper:
firstly a collection of examples of areas where GL is dominant, has a
strong presence (world scenario) or where trends are clear;
secondly how students would be advantaged to have certain GL skills in
the UK and the rest of the EU (and implicitly or explicitly
disadvantaged to ONLY have skills with MS software);
thirdly, how we might assist by providing support for Grant and his
colleagues, and opportunities to test any developments.

I will start drafting and will include any thoughts expressed here, on
the List or privately.
james kilty

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